GH3 - GEROVITAL Articles (XI)
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of life (Q. of L.) is the contemporary goal of Gerontology. Until
now, this concept (Q. of L.) seems to form a Gordian knot that nobody
is prepared to untie at the present time period. My opinion is to
use a Global Vision to recognize individual and cultural variations.
global vision conceptualizes Q. of L. as a ontogenetic process that
is produced by a complex of individual, social and environmental factors.
this vision the individual is the cornerstone and is directly influenced
by many factors. Each factor can be changed throughout life.
dynamic vision may be used to clarify the complex relationship between
positive, negative, subjective and objective indicators, and in each
case to take practical measures to enhance the Q. of L.
believe that in the next century, Western high tech and Eastern ancient
art and medicine will merge to create a holistic health care in order
to promote the Q. of L.
10 commandments synthesize the importance of general and particular
recommendations to delay the aging process and to maintain a healthy
and active body."
Mircea Dumitru, M.D., Ph.D.
Aslan proved that it is possible to fight aging. Everything she thought
of, and carried out was like declaring war on old age. Her war was
equivalent to those against cancer and smoking. Her wish to find the
most adequate way of fighting made her affirm many times that "old
age is a parasite of life."
the firm, prophetic convictions and attitude she adopted made some
gerontologists regard her attempts with skepticism. Their distrust
was motivated by the complex determinism of aging and by the insufficiency
of some biological arguments. However, time has rendered more justice.
In hundreds of laboratories, scientists are now concerned by new theories
on the way people grow old. They are trying to find out the secret
of youth and the mysteries of longevity. In the near future it will
be the possible to double, or even triple the life span of the human
first time Aslan introduced her concept of Gerontoprophylaxis was
at the International Conference of Gerontology in1956, at Merano,
Italy. This synthesized the importance of her treatment and included
general recommendations to delay aging and maintain a healthy and
active body. Since then, health literature and the mass media have
saturated the public with such advice. Let me tell you about what
Aslan named "Decalogue", which after some time I referred
to as "Aslan's Ten Commandments".
Food-A Secret to an Extended Life;
2 Physical Movement;
3 Training for Aging.
4 The critical age (40-65 years).
5 The art and force to experience positive emotions.
6 To prevent chronic diseases and to learn to live with them.
7 Pregeriatric and Geriatric examination.
8 Longevity-family and sanogenesis.
9 The Elderly's Leisure.
10 The Drugs of Intelligence and Gerovital-H3®.
is said of the appetite what "Leonard da Vinci" affirmed
about painting: "Es una cosa mentale" [it is a mental cause].
French culture there are many references on the noxious role of abundant
meals, being mentioned that "lunch kills half of mankind, and
dinner the other half."
ago, it was noticed that a diet reduced in calories and rich in vegetables
and fruits represented an important factor of longevity. Meals eaten
together with beloved persons maintain physical tonus and delay aging.
workers in gerontology identified "Isles of longevity",
and connected this fact with nourishment rich in milk products and
fish. Some of them even affirm that "Numerous biological sings
of aging are valid only if they are considered markers of nourishment,
of inactivity". They are inclined to answer affirmatively to
the question, if the genes which protect youth are possibly influenced
by what we eat. Food provides not only proteins and energy, they also
have an important role in genes and good functioning which influences
longevity. It has been discussed, and an effort has been made to isolate
certain revitalized nourishment principles, more efficient than vitamins,
which are found in lemons, garlic and liquorice root.
in the past decades chronic diseases were considered as a prerogative
of advanced age, in the last few years they are more and more related
to nourishment type, personal habits, and inadequate mental stereotype.
There are known food stuffs with a strong anticancerous effect, and
there are prospects to isolate these food principles with a rejuvenating
effect, and which are found in infinitesimal quantities in common
nourishment. The basic compounds of sulfur present in garlic prevent
esophageal, colon, and rectal cancer, and strengthen the liver detoxification
function. By these results, indirectly, we extend the life span, knowing
that the tumor incidence increases with the advancing age. Food fortifying
by natural protective products is an interesting and important way
to prolong the life span. In food stuffs there are chemical compounds
with antioxidative qualities, which neutralize the free radicals,
and which appear when the cells use oxygen to generate energy.
Latin America, Asia, there are groups of the population without colon,
or breast cancer. They eat fresh vegetables and fruits, wheat, whole
meal, and milk products.
most important nourishment benefit for good health proved to be food
reduced in fats. After such a diet, the vascular cerebral, and coronary
diseases decreased up to 40-45%.
the human body needs a certain quantity of vitamin "E, B1, B6,
A, D, Zinc, Iron, Folic Acid, Calcium", for certain specific
functions and optimum functioning of the immune system.
elderly people we should take into consideration the fact that they
eat less, are sedentary persons, and maybe ill, (possibly taking drugs),
factors which may interfere with the absorption in essential food
principles. In this conditions, additional quantities of nutritive
factors are required.
secret consists of a diet rich in essential food principles, and with
a lower number of calories. An adequate nourishment supposes quality,
rhythm, a certain value, all are attributes designed to prevent diseases
frequently met in the elderly: diseases such as; diabetes, obesity,
arteriosclerosis, arterial hypertension, poliartritis, food, and vitamin
the elderly's disturbances of nourishment related to food quantity
and quality, I note the following nutrition, and mal nutrition. DENUTRITION
of the elderly has a multiple causality. At this age we meet denutrition
states by:
which some elderly people establish themselves (preconceived ideas,
occult influences, habits in family);
Negligence following an insufficient care of the teeth in childhood,
or maturity;
Denutrited by conviction due to some psycho-somatic sufferings. (Elderly
people observe a severe diet on their own initiative, (because of
stomach, intestines, liver, or kidneys);
In the complex diet of nourishment, the social factor has an important
prevalence, so that it is not astonishing that there are also so-called
solitary denutrited persons, relatively frequently met in the conditions
of an increased life span.
Loneliness is associated with depression and a low interest in cooking
food which are elements which generate a lack of appetite.
a common cold occurs, a trauma, a cardiovascular suffering, "Syndrome
of sliding," a lack of appetite occurs immediately. The rapid
and severe degradation of the elderly's general conditions appears
first caused by poor appetite, and then by the disease itself.
is determined by a deficient food balance. The energetic requirements
should be individualized according to sex, nutrition state and degree
of activity. After the age of 50, it is recommended to reduce caloric
supply by 7-10% every ten years.
the age of 65, it is necessary to have an average of 2200 calories
in 24 hours, but for those with obesity it is recommended an energetic
supply not surpassing 1800 calories in 24 hours.
specially those of animal origin, in quantities of 1-1.5 g/kg. (1kg
= 2.2pounds) body-weight/24h., are essential in the period of growth
and in old age. The minimum is of 100g/24h., and for weak people,
or after surgical interventions, when the supply may reach to 150-200g.
proteins in 24hr.
Those who have lost their teeth should eat finely cut meat. Fowl is
indicated, a quantity of 150g providing 25.6g. proteins.
Fish, 150-200g in 24 hr., as well as fresh eggs, 1-2 a day, twice
a week may replace meet. Milk, and milk products are useful (a jar
of yogurt contains 4.2g. proteins), but for an older person it is
not recommended a strictly milky nourishment.
Rice, semolina, pastes, bread provide 50% of the necessary proteins.
Dry vegetables, which are difficult to digest as well as fat, salty,
smoked sausages should be avoided.
A diet low in protein (25-30g/24h.) is indicated in renal diseases.
The hyperproteic diets (200g/24h.) is recommended for states of denutrition.
needs for Lipids (fats) for the old man raise to 40-50g/24h., and
they are obtained from: lean meat and butter, 10-15g; oil-20g., milk
and cheeses 25g.
The obsession with an increased cholesterol of dislipidemias is not
justified after the age of 70 years old.
The critical period is situated in the decade 5 and 6 (40-60 years
of age). The suffering which appears after the age of 70 is the result
of dietetically errors accumulated during the life time.
ratio of Carbohydrates (including sweets) should not surpass 50% of
the total calories in 24 hours, so that 150g. bread, or 200g. potatoes,
or 150g. pastas, 100g. rice, 250g. grapes are enough. It is advisable
to avoid confectionery such as cakes, or candy.
hydride supply, as well as mineral salts is indispensable. In a 24
hours period one should drink at list 1 liter of water, to which should
be added soup, tea, coffee and a little wine. In the evening it is
better to avoid ingestion of liquids because the need to urinate causes
insomnia. The infusion of lime-blossom, thyme are useful due to their
physiotherapeutic qualities.
osteoporosis it is recommended to undertake a nourishment rich in
calcium (milk, cheese, eggs) which represented in a minimum of 800
mg/dairy produce.
glass of milk contains 0.295g. calcium, and 8g. lipids.
has an important role for the elderly, the minimum need being 6mg/daily.
It is found specially in uncooked vegetables.
stinging nettle, liver, apricots and lentils contain the iron element,
and should not be removed from the elderly's diet. A daily supply
of 12-15mg is necessary (100g. of liver contain 11.3mg. iron).
regard to mineral salts supply, I should emphasize the role played
by sodium and potassium. Sodium is very necessary for the elderly;
a sodium free diet causes inappetence, even neuropsychical disturbances.
The diet free of salt is recommended for a short period of time only,
and it has special indications, such as when hypertension onsets,
or a period of acuteness in cardiac failure. In 24h., 3g of sodium
is necessary (1 liter of milk = 1.5g of sodium).
potassium need is 3-4g. daily. Here are some examples of vegetables
and fruits rich in potassium (the content is calculated/ 100g).
apricots = 1600mg.
Carrots = 300mg.
Dry plums = 950mg.
Figs = 983mg.
Oranges =187mg.
Bananas = 300mg.
juices complete the need of vitamins.
elderly menu should be varied and individualized. The rich and unique
meals should be avoided. Four meals a day are desirable. Breakfast
and a snack in the afternoon are important for the psycho-physiological
point of view. Selective and restrictive diets should be avoided.
a nourishment program on a group of elderly persons, I noticed: among
those over 85-90 years of age that 56% had a mixed diet, 27% ingested
predominantly milk products, vegetables and fruits, and 17% ate mainly
discovered that the mixed diet is prevalent in longevous people who
live in rural areas. I also noticed a decrease of pork intake with
advancing age. In exchange, fish intake was increased. What should
be emphasized is the elimination of culinary refinement; boiling was
the prefaced way of preparation and fresh green vegetables have been
used also.
intake of alcoholic drinks in both sexes was more in the rural areas.
The percentage of longevous people who have not regularly ingested
alcoholic drinks were men in urban areas 60.2%, and in rural areas
47.9%; in women the rate is respectively 82% and 73%.
is an aspect not without importance: the alcoholic drinks used by
the elderly, especially those living in rural areas were prepared
on their own farms, and had a reduced content of alcohol.
nourishment peculiarities of longevous people show the habits of the
last 90-100 years. In the last two three decades, in parallel with
the general change that occurred in people's life, there were also
changed in their diet habits.
the years of the "60's", "70's" and "80's",
especially in the developed countries, a hypercaloric food prevailed
due to the increased intake, more over, the organisms energetic need
for fats and sweets. The hypercaloric food predominantly glucidic
and lipidic, generates metabolic lack of balance, and increases the
frequency of chronic degenerative diseases.
care we take for a nourishing diet is determined by preventing metabolic
lack of balance, and represents a first rank security for the maintenance
of a healthy condition over the age of 70 and 80's.
for preparing the foodstuff
a correct preparation of foodstuff the entire nutritive value is guaranteed,
and the possibility for them to become toxic is avoided. At 65°C
the proteins begin to coagulate, and at 100°C they change into
soluble substances (a process similar to digestion). Through boiling
the purinic bases pass into water, and give taste to soup, and in
the body change to uric acid.
is still the best way to prepare meat, as long as the meat is not
inserted until the water has reach the boiling point, a proceeding
by which the extractive substances remain in the meat.
is recommended for the elderly to eat only boiled meat, baked, or
grilled under a lid. The meat when it is prepared in the oven should
be covered first in a sheet of parchment which absorbs the grease
and prevents the formation of a crust.
people are forbidden to eat roasted flour, this being replaced by
a browning without grease, in the dry stewpot after which is added
vegetable soup or meat soup.
do not add oil and butter until this mixture is boiling. The taste
of roasted flour is similar to roasting, and in addition it has many
SCIENCE and ART to NOURISH ourselves, by balance, moderation, and
knowledge of the secrets of preparation, plays a major role in giving
YEARS to LIFE and LIFE to YEARS, in the conditions of the elimination
of physical and emotional sufferings. With a good nourishment and
Aslan's treatment, you will maintain your vitality and a normal rhythm
of aging.
lose weight you have to reduce your consumption of high-fat, high-calorie
foods and increase physical activity. You must to personalize your
plan to fit your own needs.
about the lifestyles of long-lived people reveals that good physical,
psychological, and social condition depends on certain behavior. In
fact, the behavior conducive to a long, healthy life, which leads
to an active and dignified old age, begins in early childhood. This
optimum lifestyle decisively influences health in later life. Training
for aging should be started in the first years of life, as any disease
or bad habits may adversely affect the aging rate. Delayed psycho-motor
development, or a glandular imbalance, should encourage parents to
make an in-depth check-up of their children.
the first part of life, preventive measures are the responsibility
of the parents. Afterwards, adolescents and young people should themselves
be conscious of the late consequences of diseases, of the deviations
from a balanced way of life and of harmful influences of the environment.
From this point of view, we should know that healthy aging is affected
not only by genetic factors, but also by environmental factors: climate,
air purity and geographical conditions.
is highly individualized. Training for long life depends mostly on
the social and cultural level of the group to which we belong. The
way we live our lives is learned first in the family, and later in
school and society. I emphasize all these because habits are hard
to change especially in old people. We can make things worse when
we try to change some habits which have lasted for more than 20 years.
For example, many of us know how difficult it is to give up coffee
or tobacco. (Ed. My father said it was easy, he did it twelve times!)
shouldn't be concerned about obesity in children until they are at
least 2 years of age. Putting an infant on a diet at this age is more
harmful than good. After that time, children in families with a history
of cardiovascular disease, who have increased levels of blood lipids
should be evaluated. Overweight children whose cholesterol is over
180 mg % should be placed on a diet. During childhood and adolescence,
the child should be encouraged to participate in vigorous physical
activity. A high level of physical activity and lower levels of cholesterol
in the first part of life will have a tremendously beneficially effect
on later health. The child should also acquire good eating habits.
Discipline in school, exercise, and learning of foreign languages,
are all helpful to form strong characters and healthy habits.
preventive gerontologic examinations are performed, the physician
individualizes advice according to the GERIATRIC CODE: to maintain
health, an optimum balance should have between work and recreation,
and a profession should be pursued which gives one satisfaction. A
person who has more than one profession has an advantage over a person
who concentrates on only one.
lifestyle most likely to result in good health and long life is one
which minimizes the stress of our high-tech, bad environment, actively
uses leisure, avoids toxins, maintains a high level of intellectual
and physical activity and a balanced diet. These factors have a major
role in training for old age an extending the active life span.
is a fundamental requirement of human life. Its beneficial effect
on body functions and the major role it has in maintaining physical
and mental health are well known. Throughout the entire cycle of life,
starting with the period of education and learning, continuing into
the period of maturity and productive contributions to society - man
participates in a permanent process of working and self-fulfillment.
training for aging, the time of retirement is a milestone. The "third
age" corresponds to the period when this permanent activity ceases,
and there is a change in the occupational and social status. At present,
the social age of retirement has a tendency to increase, and the concerns
related to this period have not been missed from the sociological,
economic and psychological investigations.
a meeting in Vienna in 1982, the concept of "active elderly"
was promoted. This concept proposed that training for retirement has
to be incorporated within the complex program of training for aging,
an evident option for employing the elderly in accordance with their
level of education, functional capacity, and the struggle of the elderly
themselves for a new status and social role.
is an important moment in an individual's life and it is differently
regarded - not only according to the type of retirement (i.e., due
to age or illness), but also to many other factors: temperament, sex,
and previous extra-professional concerns. For those who are unprepared,
retirement may represent a major stress, causing a real moral crisis
- "crisis of retirement", "drama of retirement",
or, as the German authors call it, "Pensionkrankheit" (pension
sickness). The crisis of retirement is evident most frequently in
those who had no previous hobbies to occupy their time.
a certain point, it is natural for us to think that the human being
develops under the influence of labor, which formed his/ her personality
and character, which imposed rigor, order and rhythm. Retirement disturbs
this human necessity, and breaks this natural link which severely
upsets the somato - physical balance. If "pre-retirement"
training has not been accomplished, retirement brings about inertness,
lack of initiative, loss of social relationships, and increases the
tendency to physical and psychical immobility. There is an increased
preoccupation about health, resulting in anxiety, depression, ending
in isolation and solitude.
maintenance of intellectual aptitudes and creativity, a certain spiritual
rejuvenation by the association of wisdom, experience and a wish to
be useful - even if the passing of years were merciless - are part
of the remedy for the "retiring disease" and aging.
aspect of great importance after the age of 65 is represented by "The
Elderly's Leisure", which should be understood in accordance
with the major needs of this age. If good health is maintained, the
elderly may remain socially active. The elderly like to be recognized
as individuals, and to express their personalities. Far from being
only consumers, the elderly may participate in many activities within
the limits of their functional capacities. Creativity is frequently
present in the advanced ages to a surprisingly high degree, and lasting
pieces of work are often produced during these years. At this age,
as a result of their relativity long life and experience in all fields
(arts, literature, philosophy, music etc.), history knows of personalities
which otherwise nobody would have heard about. In human, ethical and
moral terms, the elderly represent a treasure of wisdom and history,
and may be of great use for society and family. By their presence,
we all are much more wealthy.
is another indicator of old people experience. The elderly can tell
us how we reached our present standard of civilization, because they
were witnesses and creators of past events. Therefore, the time of
aging belongs not only to the elderly, but also to society, to all
of us. If they do not have a second occupation or a hobby once they
have reached the age of retirement, some old people only then realize
that they have no choices.
physicians have a duty to "sound the alarm bell" and to
train the population, (beginning in youth), about what they should
do after retirement. Elderly people need an occupation, above all,
to maintain their physical health. Labor represents a basic requirement
of human existence, and in this respect, an experiment performed in
Montreal by Prof. Hebb is very interesting. He looked for and found
volunteers for...laziness! In addition to paying them, he provided
them with comfortable accommodations. From the 46 persons selected
for the study, only one was willing to not work for more than 5 days,
one for 117 hours, another for 114 hours, and the others gave up after
only 70 hours.
has also been used as a treatment for some diseases, so called occupational
therapy. The Greeks and the Egyptians practiced occupational therapy
for mental disturbances. "Philippe Pinnel", even in 1909,
found out that labor rigorously carried out represented the best way
to maintain the health and high spirits of retirees in a home. The
wish for activity is also experienced in advanced ages. Prohlic, in
his paper "How should the retired organize their life?",
shows us that the elderly, like the young, are in need of affection,
the freedom to choose their friends and to be useful in the community.
is known by different names: "loisir" in France, "leisure"
in England, "non-working time" or "free time"
in the United States, "Freizeit" in German. In ancient times,
the Greek word for "school" had multiple meanings, i.e.:
repose, leisure, lack of activity, occupation during the free hours
- after work, or after business, study, conversation. School also
meant the place where this time was spent. Leisure activity should
be outside all basic obligations, and have no utilitarian purpose.
We should seek satisfaction, relaxation, entertainment, or education.
Leisure should be a time of absolute individual liberty. Unlike the
adult's leisure, the elderly's leisure should be a continuous time
of doing as they wish.
of many formerly pleasurable social and professional activities after
retirement often produces a great deal of anxiety. In order to compensate
for the loss of socio-cultural, socio-economical or political activities
and responsibilities, I recommended the following activities substitutes:
exercise and sports, to include any sport which can be practiced age,
by the elderly who are in good health.
Cultural activities like music, painting, writing, reading, scientific
work, studying foreign languages.
Useful activities like handicraft/ repairs, gardening (more than 40%
of the people over 60 are involved with gardening). People should
train for the onset of old age. It is both an art and a science to
become a successful old person.
Victor Hugo wrote a volume of poetry titled "The art of being
a Grandparent". An American author wrote, "Life Begins at
40." Michelangelo began to learn Greek at the age of 80. Margaret
Murray wrote "My First 100 Years." Cicero, Seneca, Shopenhauer,
meditated upon age, and training for old age.
plan and train with wisdom (attributes of aging itself) for a long
healthy life!
the context of the present decade, the third age (people over 65)
is considered as the period of life in which experience, knowledge,
capacity of creation can, and should be fully used.
active elderly person does not grow old intellectually, physically,
socially and he has no time to think of aging.
Sedentary life (physically giving up), and isolation are major risk
factors in the acceleration of somatic, and social aging.
exercise should not be missing from the life of a person. It maintains
a satisfactory condition of cardiovascular functional parameters and
of osteoarticular system, creates a physical balance and generates
a tonic feeling of independence and usefulness.
antithesis, the sedentary life, lack of physical movement, to which
overfeeding is added, and some other factors, favors the appearance
of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, and chronic degenerative
Until the age of 40-45, constant physical activity maintains a cardiovascular
performance, and prevents the appearance of chronic degenerative diseases.
Between the age of 45-65, the daily practice of physical activity
is necessary, but the physician's examination decides the degree and
nature of this activity.
It has been scientifically proved that exercises favor longevity.
The higher indexes of morbidity and mortality by coronary diseases
are met in those who do not exercise, and those who only "change
Walking and physical movement generally stimulates the mind.
thinking gained much after the discussion between Plato and his disciples
in the alleys of the Academous garden.
The great thinkers, Göethe, Rousseau, Cicero, Plinius the Old,
talk about the beneficial affects of walking in the open air. Walking
is disconnecting, it generates ideas, and gives solutions to problems
still unsettled.
activity plays a great role in maintaining body weight, physical movement
being the simplest and physiological means of control an decreases
the excess of body weight.
By the burning of 100 calories correspond to daily climbing stairs
of 15 minutes, or an interval of 20 minutes running, or 15 minutes
cycling. The loss of 5-6 kg could be reached in a year.
There are people who abstain or limit their physical movement for
fear of an increased appetite. It is a false opinion and it can be
affirmed, that sedentary people have an increased appetite.
the age of 65, we could be as strong as at the age of 35, and at the
age of 75 to have the same physical health as at the age of 50. By
physical movement the muscle is strengthened and developed, which
after the age of 40 diminishes in volume, and is replaced by fat,
the tolerance to glucose increases and arterial blood pressure decreases.
Simple physical exercise may stop the loss of bone mass both in the
elderly, and in the women in the post - menopause period.
After a year of physical exercise (30 minutes, five times a week)
may stop the decreasing density at the neck level of the femur, and
vertebral column.
immune system has positive changes in the course of the physical exercise
program. Those who follow regularly this program, acquire a higher
resistance to infections, and to the probability of having cancer.
It was also noticed that those who practice regularly physical exercises
improve their way of life. They give up smoking and improve their
program of physical exercises is individualized by the physician according
to age, and to the associated diseases.
Fever is the only situation which contraindicates the physical exercise
because of the complications it may induce.
order to have success it is advisable to observe the following conditions:
program of physical exercise should be recommended by the doctor:
he also establishes the length of time;
The person should use adequate equipment and choose the place of performance;
The dynamic movements are useful, those that involve simultaneously
several muscular groups, apparatus and systems. Rhythmical movement
is recommended, in fresh air, with deep breathing, at regular intervals.
Physical exercise "on the spot", requiring great effort
(heavy weight lifting, fast running on short distances)- is not recommended.
To this effect, old age physical exercises programs have been conceived,
but there is still a lot to be done in this sense for determining
the most suitable type of exercises and their effect, etc. Mandatory
is that the exercises should be adapted to the individual functional
capacity of the body and should be pleasant for the one practicing
Besides its sanoenergetic value, physical exercise is one of the really
important factors in the therapy of nervous system diseases, cardiovascular,
breathing and locomotor apparatus diseases. It is a well known fact
that it influences the oxygen consumption at the myocard level, it
contributes to developing the anastomotic circulation and the coronary
territorial suppleness circulation.
In my medical practice, I recommended to my old patients with ischemic
cardiopathy that they should take daily walks depending on tolerance,
which means that the effort intensity shall be individualized and
dosed in such a way as there should be no sensation of thoracic discomfort.
In the osteoarticular apparatus diseases there should be medical physical
exercises practiced in an individualized manner depending on the type
and location of the degenerating process. There are exercises destined
for toning up the hypotrophic muscular groups, and on the contrary
there are exercises with an exciting motor effect.
exercises has gained interest throughout the world due to its positive
results, recorded both at the old patients with a satisfactory health
status, and at the old patients with various chronic diseases. Systematically
practiced and depending on everyone's functional capacity, it maintains
the health status and delays the aging process.
is the age at which everyone of us should take time to care of health
for the following reasons:
this period of time the biochemical and clinical signs of chronic
degenerative diseases develops: arteriosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis,
arterial hypertension, obesity and other diseases of nutrition and
In women, after the age of 45-50 the menopause sets up, which means
the ceasing of menstrual cycle. It is the moment when the ovaries
start producing less estrogen and progesterone hormones;
In men, near the end of this period, and in women after about 5 years
from ceasing of the menstrual cycle, osteoporosis starts to become
Cholesterol is a general and major concern for good health. After
the age of 40, in men, it has an evident tendency to increase. After
menopause, it is very probable that the cholesterol level will increase
and produce changes in the coronary, cerebral, renal and peripheral
vessels. The higher the cholesterol values are, the greater is the
risk to have vascular diseases.
And this is because in time, the cholesterol and the other fats in
the blood (triglycerides, neutral lipids) are deposited on the walls
of arteries and prevent the blood from reaching the important /vital
organs. It is estimated that half of the United States adult population
has a high level of cholesterol and other fats.
If the total level of blood cholesterol decrease by 1%, the possibility
to die of ischemical cardiopathy, or to have "heart attack decreases
by 2%". The normal value of cholesterol is allowed to be under
200 mg %. The values of 200-240 mg % are alarm values and the respective
person should take some measures. The values over 240-250 mg % are
high values presenting a risk for health condition. If to the cholesterol
there are added hypertension, stress and increased body weight, the
risk is even higher. The adult men present ischemical cardiopathy
3-4 times more than women. A man with high values of cholesterol,
plus other risk factors, is considered to have an increased risk state,
while women need to have a increased cholesterol plus at least 2 other
risk factors.
this way, the age from 40-65 is equally a critical age, both for men
and for women.
menopause in women, and the chronic degenerative diseases may generate
change /modifications of sexual organs, frigidity, impotence, and
disturbances of sexual dynamics.
chronic diseases can be prevented and eliminated if they are revealed
out in their preclinical stage, and they can be alleviated or cured
if the first symptoms of disease occurred.
a component of Geriatrics deals with the maintenance of health, diagnosis,
and treatment of diseases which accelerate the aging process within
the 40-65 age group. The yearly "check-up" represents the
key to good health and delays the occurrence of the aging phenomena
and helps to maintain an active life .
the occasion of prophylactic gerontological examination there are
biological age (personal research allowed me to elaborate a such formula;
The diagnosis of health;
The clinical and paraclinical diagnosis of possible disease state;
The recommendations and treatment are individualized according to
clinical and biological pecurialities of each patient.
The geriatrician can use: geriatric treatments, anti-stress therapy,
the therapy of pain and sexual disturbances, individual methods of
physical therapy. Among the geriatric treatments, Aslan's method and
Aslan's products are widely known.
physician together with patient, will make an accurate plan to identify
and reduce the personal risk factors.
plan will have to include three main elements:
of the life-style, in the sense of healthy conduct;
A balanced diet in alimentary principles (proteins, carbohydrates,
fats, vitamins, mineral, salts), and with reduced content of calories
1500-2000 cal./24 h.;
An individual program of physical exercises and the proper use of
leisure time.
The food is essential in this program. This change means unsaturated
fats, a satisfactory intake of food reach in soluble fibers and a
reduced number of calories till and optimal body weight is obtained.
An example: for lunch, first dish should be salad with a dietetic-dressing
and an addition of lemon. You should reduce the food quantity in your
plate for the second dish, and finish the meal with an apple. ( "An
apple a day keeps the doctor away). You should always leave the table
without having the feeling of satiation.
order to reduce the cholesterol and saturated fats, I recommend fowl
without skin, or fish, a reduced quantity of vegetable oil (olive
oil-1 spoonful=15 gr.), milk with 1% fats and cheese with less than
5 gr. fat/oz. Instead of butter, choose margarine made with unsaturated
oils and avoid brains, liver and kidneys. Choose the food products
to fit your health requirements.
of the secrets of an active life without diseases is to make the Pregeriatric
examination apart of your life.
formation of a positive attitude is also very important at this age
and it is not something you were born with.
is a habit you acquire and you learn it within the gerontologic examination
from the period of critical age. The things apparently insignificant
should not be let to accumulate and endanger the life.
critical age is the time of professional affirmation and the confrontation
with many risk factors, of metabolic and physiologic changes, when
once known, may be influenced in the sense of good health. At the
same time it is the moment of acquiring some healthy habits: nervous
hunger control, physical movement and maintaining a positive attitude
towards negative emotions.
generosity, abnegation, devotion, tolerance, forgiveness, optimism,
hope, are experiences which strengthen psychically and reinforce the
body. The positive feelings, security and conviction to control the
situations to which you are faced belong to type of "A"
behavior, to which belong most of the peoples of success.
dedicated to charitable deeds, means a lot of beneficial feelings
which purify the soul. Life is in fact very seldom strewn with moments
of happiness.
go to be absorbed in the avalanche of news telecast: we wake up in
a hurry and travel clumsily on the highways; the prices increases,
the postman generally give us sad news: overcrowding, violence, incertitude,
and problems at the workplace. Not only this, but also many positive
experiences may be potentially negative: a promotion in the workplace
may reveal a lack in training, which under other conditions were latent
and not noticed; birth of much expected child, but who ends having
a congenital malformation; leaving on holidays where you may have
a serious accident; marriage may end in a divorce, etc.
are some aspects of reality in everyday life of us. Among all, the
existential negative experiences have the most evil implication on
the health condition. The negative emotions, especially anger, fear,
fright may lead to a sudden death. The negative emotions is the dark
night who invites the diseases to start their fight against a weak
itself is not harmful for the body, but reaction to this new situation
may have a most harmful effect. The power to anticipate, or to be
prepared and to react properly, make the negative consequences of
a low intensity, or even harmless.
elimination of pessimistic language, the friendly hand you give searching
the good in what it is apparently bad, the virtue to forgive and forget
and endeavor to replace the negative emotion with a positive one outline
the art of living creatively . Learn and practice HUMOR!
who have humor live longer!
years of 60's brought us the concept of "Risk Factors" which
make us approach with an understanding of causes, and mechanism that
produce chronic diseases and opens important ways for the prevention.
was noticed a direct relation between the level of arterial blood
pressure, body lipids (specially cholesterol and triglycerides), smoking
body-weight in excess, stress, alcohol intake and presence of chronic
degenerative diseases.
Framingham Study, and the researches which followed it proved to us
that it is in our power to prevent, and to alleviate this diseases.
In the United States a war was declared on some risk factors (smoking),
and cardiovascular diseases registered a spectacular decrease.
the advancing age, the incidence of these diseases increases. In addition,
the age plays and important role in evaluation of hemodynamic parameters
(arterial pressure), and biochemical state. The Arterial Pressure
should be permanently controlled.
age, in 80 % of population, the arterial blood pressure increases
due to the loss of vascular elasticity. The decrease of arterial blood
pressure can explains dizziness, falling, insomnia, anxiety at night
and the state of confusion in the elderly. Many times the arterial
hypertension can be a side effect of treatment with other drugs.
increased pressure in the circulating system induces arteriosclerosis
makes the heart increases the volume and to get tired, and insidiously
the nervous system and kidneys are assailed. About 15 years pass until
the appearance of ocular, nervous, cardiac and renal complications.
most espoused people to make hypertension are those who eat much and
with salt, who are nervous, older, who have parents or family members
with hypertension, who smoke and drink alcohol, or use anticonceptives.
The cardiovascular risk increases if the systolic pressure goes above
130 mmHg and the diastolic above 85 mmHg.
people over 65 years, with normal aging, values of 140-150 mmHg are
normal for systolic pressure and 80-85 mmHg for diastolic one. Each
old person feels well with his own values of arterial blood pressure.
In absence of arteriosclerosis, of some sign of cardiac, cerebral,
or renal suffering and of other risk factors, the geriatrician should
appreciate with much discernment the utility of decreasing at this
age the limit values of the arterial blood pressure.
the present time the arterial blood pressure can be controlled. In
this respect it is good to adapt the following conduct:
control of arterial blood pressure as the hypertension may evolve
without symptoms after the age of 40 and in good health the blood
pressure should be checked 1-2 times a year; after the age of 65,
2-4 times a year;
The food reach in calcium ( milk products, salmon, peace),in potassium
(potatoes, and bananas), in magnesium (wheat, beans, pumpkin, seeds,
fruits, vegetable), foodstuff rich in vegetables fibers, herrings,
lower the arterial blood pressure
Physical exercises, 4-5 times a week, for 30-40 minutes have a beneficial
effect on the arterial blood pressure;
There are drugs which retain water: cortisone products, non-steroid
anti-inflammatory. Instead of ibuprofen you should use acetaminophen;
Classic music with low rhythm decreases the arterial blood pressure;
also, the satisfaction of the profession and of accomplished work
have the same effect;
The loss of body weight with 10-15 Kg (15-29 pounds) decreases the
blood pressure up to 15 mmHg; the anticonceptive drugs and some antiulcerous
drugs increase the arterial blood pressure;
The habit to relax yourself, to eliminate anger, anxiety and sharp
words have the mission to create us a psychical comfort which induces
the homeostasis (a normality) or internal area of the organism.
the advancing age, a normocaloric diet, reach in food principles,
with regular meals and active leisure time lead to the maintenance
of normal body weight. 10% over the normal weight increases the arterial
pressure and the risk of having a stroke.
your scales show you to be overweight, you should question yourself
at least three times a day: a breakfast, lunch and dinner. A person
does not live to eat, but he eats to be able to work, to create, to
live and to enjoy living.
great majority of those with overweight problems had arteriosclerosis,
hypertension, poliartritis, diabetes, sexual impotence, or are handicapped
after a stroke. The inmmunologic resistance and capacity to effort
is decreased and frequently they have opportunity for diseases. Their
average life span is statistically lower than of those with normal
presence of chronic diseases diminishes the quality of life. The people
affected have physical and emotional suffering, the circadian rhythm
(day-night) is disturbed, the capacity to work is affected quantitatively
and qualitatively. They are those who go monthly to the drug stores,
they become depended on drugs which after a while are not more effective,
but give them cardiac, nervous and digestive disturbances.
families these sufferings alter the relationship and often represents
an additional financial burden. The implications are even higher in
those of advanced age.
all these it is well to think when our life style becomes unhealthy
and when we feed our children.
youthful years, an in the adult age, it depends on each one to prevent
this diseases, or to make their presence have as little implications
as possible on individual, microsocial family, or macrosocial community-society
people who have chronic sufferings, it is better for them to get used
the elderly with osteoporosis, poliartritis, circulatory disturbances,
in order to prevent falling (fracture of the neck of femur is in 30%
cause of dead at this age) it is recommended:
avoid sudden movements from sitting position to an unexpected requirement;
To use the watch light on the corridors, or in the bathroom;
To control and correct their seeing, and hearing;
Be sure that are not toys or ether things in your way;
Look carefully, when you walk in the house, to the polished parquet,
on the door threshold (a generator of cerebral hematoma, or different
Try and check if the chairs, table, or ether objects are well fixed,
and put the electric cables linking wires, behind the furniture or
near the wall.
To remove the loneliness, or the hard hours of those with Depression:
to do things which may remind of yourself: write a book, your remembrance,
or to revise and to complete your diary;
Try to share your life and professional experience with your children
and to people around you;
Choose a book for reading, listen to the radio, or watch on TV;
Call a friend and ask him to pay you a visit;
Do not do the same thing all the time, and search for agreeable, pleasant
Do not forget to allow time for meeting with friends, and go weekly
to a senior club.
In order to alleviate and to eliminate the joint pains from chronic
degenerative rheumatism and the osseous ones, profuse, from osteoporosis:
out of your weekly program of physical exercises that is the most
indicated and inoffensive treatment in this sufferings;
A Spa-cure for three weeks, twice a year, may be of much help to the
alleviation of this sufferings;
In addition, the organized social entertainment program in this spas
is beneficent for secondary depressive states associated with chronic
Organizing the way of life with a positive imagination and fancy by
those with chronic sufferings is often the only remedy for these people.
the aging disease in its lingering form, and the life itself reflects
the state of mind of those who have it.
therapeutic effect has a long tradition in chronic diseases especially
in Europe.
Roman's strong believe in the healing power of water, and caused them
to build public bath wherever they came in, and used this to discuss
policies to govern, famous so far: Montecatini (Italy), Baden-Baden
(Germany) Herculane (Romania), Bath (England).
the Roman Emperor was convinced of the benefice effects of the water,
declaring "Sanitas Per Aquas" (Health by Water), then forming
the acronym (Spa) introduced in English language.
the USA, "Spa" means any facilities including exercises
and diet programs.
writers, artists, and scientists benefit by, and appreciate the therapeutic
effects of different spas: Marc Twain, Dostoievsky, Greta Garbo, Nicolae
Iorga, Arghezi.
people consider mineral springs as holly waters.
is used as shower, baths, inhalation, or as drinking water in stomach,
intestinal, billiary tract and reno-urinary diseases.
may be recommended in partial procedures: compresses, wrapping or
bath. The bath for kinetotherapy are recommended at 36°C (100°F)
in special tubs, or in swimming pools, were can be obtained a very
good mobility of the upper and lower limbs. By under water massages
the muscle contractions, the feeling of cold legs, and the neuralgic
pains removed.
gives best results if is applied in certain SPAS, also due to the
effect of the surrounding climate.
The climate of median altitude, or on the beach are considered as
a sparing climate, and represent real ISLANDS OF LONGEVITY.
By taking the waters, the vegetative tonus, hypersympaticotonias and
hyperparasympaticotonias normalize.
Tropical streams and oxidative substances in low concentrations stimulate
the sympathetic nervous system.
The polar (arctic) fronts, the concentrations of negative ions strengthen
the parasympathetic nervous system and the specific immunity.
the elderly, and old people, the indications for hydrotherapy and
watering cures are applied in relation with the biological age induced
changes, and of associated chronic diseases.
In the elderly, the watering cures have notables features and the
geriatrician individualizes and mention them when indicated in the
and other watering treatments have positive effects in the revitalization
of the tissues, also help those who want to live longer, to be active
and in a good health state.
and healthy aging is promoted by a prophylactic and curative examination,
by a geriatrician in the Pregeriatric age (40-65), and in the Geriatric
age (after 65).
the early critical age (40-65) it is advisable to have a yearly check-up.
On this occasion the physician establishes your degree of health,
determines the gerontological diagnosis, estimates the biological
age and the aging rhythm. The importance examination is of maximum
importance for a good health in the following decades of life. It
is the period in which the elimination of some risk factors leads
to the prevention of coronary and cerebral vascular diseases, of arteriosclerosis,
arterial hypertension, obesity, arthritis, diabetes of type 2 (non-insulin-dependent).
By taking care of your health at this age, you may provide to yourself
a healthy old age in a fully creative state, and independence.
the age of 65, the geriatrician is confronted with a series of complaints
which he should know and towards which he has to adopt differentiated
first concern in the elderly's clinical examination is that, the physician
should show much discernment and understanding to search out the possible
reasons which frequently may lead to an incorrect diagnosis.
geriatric examination should take into consideration the fact that
age induces clinical changes that we consider normal at this age,
but which are abnormal for adult. A principle in the examination of
the elderly is that paying attention to atypical signs that have little
relevance. The more you try to find particular signs, the more you
discover. The clinical history will be made with complete understanding
and kindness. At the first contact the physician will try to eliminate
the negativism and anxiety of the old person with a disabled sensorial
background, or by any other diseases. The story should be comprehensive,
and the physician should understand the family situation as much as
possible, also, the elderly's attitude towards the doctor, hospital,
followed treatment, and the psychical state.
are gerontologists who considered that the clinical history should
take 70-80% of the time allocated to a geriatric examination. Most
attention should be given to the vital functions; any of their modification,
which are often a typical has a significance.
is conditioned by genetic, physical and social factors. Epidemiological
research has pointed out the ecological parameters involved in determining
longevity. Clinical and laboratory observations have shown that the
morpho-functional data of a longevous are very close to the adult
persons' ones.
psychological profile in longevous is characterized by a good adapting
capacity to the environmental factors, a motivation of their actions,
sociability and optimism.
itself is the result not only of some measures taken during the last
part of one's life span, but it originates in a well balanced behavior
preserved throughout the lifetime.
Environment Factors
highest percentage of longevous there are in altitude zones between
800 and 1000 m, and the lowest percentage, in plain areas.
far as climate is concerned, the most favorable influence upon longevity
is exerted by the marine climate.
efficiency of sanogenesis - destined measures, in general, and longevity
ones, in particular, is closely linked with the effort of protecting
and preserving the natural environment against the noxious effects
of pollution due to industrial and urban crowded areas.
the past, the physical environment factors were directly conditioning
the level of longevity, whereas today, as a consequence of the social
and economical development, there is leveling tendency of the longevity
indices from a territorial view point. In this context, it is understood
that in the future there will be an increase of the social environment
factors in determining longevity.
Environment Factors
population health status is influenced by a lot of social environment
factors. Among them, I shall mention only the most significant ones,
which play a considerable role upon the health status and the lifetime:
the education level, the social and economical security of the individual
and his family, this average income per capita, the work legislation,
the hygiene and sanitary conditions of the house and the food, medical
assistance a.s.o.
characteristics. The social environment factors that favor longevity,
the food one - that is, well-balanced, reasonable food plays the most
important part. The majority of longevives have had mixed food throughout
lifetime. For a long and healthy life of great importance are a moderate
caloric in-take and the cooking, as simple as possible, of the food.
Most of the people over 85 used to have 3 - 4 meals a day and had
a regular eating schedule, with the main meal at noon.
the mixed food pattern, meat was moderately used, but enough for the
necessary in-take of animal aminoacids, mineral substances and vitamins.
In the great longevous menu (90 years old and more) a central place
was held by lacto-vegetarian food. Fish is also considered to represent
a longevity-favoring factor. Bread, pasta, animal fat, sugar and sweets
are correlated with low longevity factors. In diary products areas
(Vranvea, Ilfov) the there are high longevity indices.
should be remembered that the present changes of the food pattern
-both quantitatively and qualitatively- are meant to contribute to
increasing the number of longevous on the population whole, but, given
the frequent deviations from the reasonable principles of feeding,
especially concerning the main nutritional factors equilibrium, there
arises the perspective of a more numerous longevous population, but
with health deficiencies. This raises the problem of mass education
with regard to food - at all the age groups - as a component of prophylactic
Family and Longevity
the sanogenetic psycho-social factors, the family life harmony generating
satisfactions and achievements, influences the lifetime favorably.
and especially its active side, is not offered as a gift, it should
be gained. In fact, knowing how to gain it, knowing how to get old
is equally a science and an art. As early as 1798 Hufeland defined
MACROBIOTICS as the "science and art of life extension",
and among the conditions for achieving that desiderate he mentions
active life, to which he was remarking also that most of the longevous
had been married. My data shows that there is only a small percentage
of unmarried people among those over 85 (1-2%), related to the high
percentage of the married ones (98-99%). The health state of the unmarried
old people is deficient - up to 55% of the hospital patients.
significant statistical aspect is represented by the high percentage
- 88-90% - of the married longevous with children, out of whom 605
have seen even 4 children.
family life based upon a harmonious relation and with its natural
fruit, the children, has a major influence upon the health state.
In such families the bond is so strong that the loss of one member
- parent, child, wife - is a serious psychic trauma. It is a well
known fact that psycho-sociologists grant a maximal value to that
kind of affective stress.
traditional family model is benefic in a double sense: the parents
and the grandparents will feel their life fulfilled, and that is why
they maintain their tonus and vigor by seeing their life and preoccupations
continued by their children, and the children find around the grandparents
the affective binder of the family, the good advice they may need
- the fruit of experience and education. Old people's affection -
to the extent to which it is equally shared among the descendants
- means understanding, kindness and generosity without any conditioning
or possessive tendencies as may be the case with adults.
the question: where does an old person belong? - so frequently asked
- I am answering clearly that he belongs to the traditional family
pattern, with the required adaptations to contemporary life.
the accelerated rhythm of life, the informational out-burst, technicizing,
all characteristics to contemporary society, have been changing the
traditional models and concepts of family very fast. Psycho-social
life is characteristic to the human being and the changes taking place
in this domain have a deep resonance in the people's consciousness,
with often unforeseen consequences.
needs an occupation, an activity, not only for social and economical
reasons but also for maintaining the various functions of his own
people in certain occupations has been used as a therapeutic procedure
for certain diseases - the so-called occupational therapy. The Greeks
and the Egyptians used to apply the amusing occupational therapy in
treating psychic disorders. In 1809, Philippe Pinell stated that regularly
performed work was the safest way of maintaining the health state
and the good mood of the retires people. Based on some experiments
concerning the importance of occupational therapy, it can be concluded
that a lot of patients with severe psychic disorders and a tendency
to isolation may be guided to be active and towards a certain extension
of their social relations. Thus, the old people are re-gaining the
feeling of social usefulness close to their fellows.
need of activity is felt at any age, but even more so at older ages,
when the physiological needs and the psychological requirements are
associated with experience and the habit of working throughout one's
active life time. Prohlic in a paper entitled "In What Way Are
Retired People Supposed to Organize Their Life" shows that the
old people as well as the young ones do need affection, society, friendships,
being useful for their social group. Of course, the every day life
of old people has a certain rhytmicity, the active intervals and the
resting time alternating with free time periods, which now require
new dimensions.
defining leisure, we should start from the time budget and the way
in which it is distributed during the 24 hours. As regards the free
time, there are different opinions concerning its definition as an
interval within the 24 hours, and with regard to the specific activities
performed in one's free time.
in the ancient time, the Greeks were using the word "Scholé"
which has multiply meanings, like "free time", "stopping",
"recreation", "inactivity", "lack of work",
"idleness", "hobby", "studying", "conversation";
"Scholé" also refers to the place where the free
time is spent.
J. and Ripert A. interpret as "loisir" any activity that
answers a number of 4 criteria at the same time:
should be free (independent) compare to work and other basic obligations;
It should be devoid of any utilitary purpose;
It should be aimed at getting personal satisfactions;
It should be guided by personal purpose of relaxation, amusement or
Free time frequently expresses the lack of obligation and a distinction
from working time and free time absolute; the latter appears to be
something outside the sphere of human obligations, some kind of time
reserved to full individual liberty.
Dumazedier J. was considering free time as a sequence of activities
to which the individual dedicates himself willingly, freely and with
pleasure, in order to relax or to amuse and satisfy his own aesthetic
needs. In addition, for enriching his general knowledge, for developing
the voluntary social participation or his creating capacity, after
having set himself free from the professional, social and family obligations.
can not be considered in isolation, it should be included in the temporal
frame of society, in relation with the whole of the temporal relations
located in the general frame work of the social and economical phenomena,
being specific to each social system and the respective mode of production.
on such characteristics, free time is differently defined in such
a way as to keep it distinct from work time, and set up the activities
which could be included in, or excluded from the time left after fulfilling
the professional obligations.
free time of the fully active man, which coincides with the work time
proper (professionally) and the resting time, can be contrasted with
the old age free time which, once the professional activities have
stopped, acquires new dimensions. If free time can be defined as available
time, without anything imposed, the retired person's free time appears
as a continuous time, as a compact span, which he can dispose of as
he pleases.
old person is confused just because of the fundamental change all
of a sudden that has occurred in his way of life as it used to be,
due to canceling the professional life pattern which he had been accustomed
to for a long time (20-30 years), which had represented a real stereotype.
during childhood the time was fully allotted to playing or learning
- under the continuous supervision of the parents and the teachers,
and in adulthood the time was prevailed in distributing to the professional,
family and social obligations, the sudden vanishing of such duties
is meant to disorient the old people, to bring about a state of anxiety,
by forcing them to establish their own work and life pattern.
performed by the Social Gerontology Group of National Institute of
Gerontology of Geriatrics, where I was director (1978-1989), upon
persons who had just completed their professional activity for few
years, has shown that because of canceling the conducted program,
some of the retired people were still unadapted, had a tendency towards
isolation, apathy and depression. Such disorders are more frequent
in men, immediately after retirement, later on, they got used to it
and find an equilibrium by means of other compensatory activities.
a matter of fact, it has been noticed that the use of leisure does
not become a problem for all of the retired people. A number of old
people are estimated to consider the cessation or their activity as
representing the best way for them to achieve their most intimate
aspirations accumulated throughout their life. They are happy to be
set free from the professional obligations.
can finally organize their new life with no intrusion, according to
their wish, the wish that had been left unsatisfied before, because
of the lack of time. Now, they can get involved in occupations uncontrolled
by a boss and find satisfaction in an activity freely chosen and long
wished for. This category includes the intellectuals and the workers.
different outlooks on free time may be distinguished:-
free time is not a determined category, it is rather a mode of behavior
and any part of the day may be considered free time, even the one
destined for work. In other words, free time is what the individual
himself considers to be free time, if it brings satisfaction - be
it during work or not.
According to the other conception, free time is the one set free from
the control of the basic social institutions (professional, family,
social, spiritual, political), fully dedicated to personal activities.
But the most important aspect concerning the old person's free time
is linked not so much with the activities being carried out, but with
the fact that such activities may answer some demands created by the
cessation of professional activities. Research showed that in most
cases old people feel the loss of their role and social position ensured
by the professional activity as well as the absence of social contacts
and every day relations with somebody else.
free time is an individual one and the geriatrician has an important
role. He should take into account the biological, psychological and
social peculiarities of the elderly and the fact that this activity
should compensate the previous one. The free tome is also population's
time, a segment whose number is increasing and towards whom the society
can not reaming indifferent.
the problem arises to find the most indicated forms for an efficient
use of this social time, so that the elderly to be maintained in an
active life, and to bring his contribution according to his functional
capacities to the creation of social values.
should not forget: THE OLD PEOPLE MADE HISTORY!
old person represents a distinct biological and psychosocial entity,
so the way that he organizes his time represents each person.
with imagination, the free of old age may be our great friend and
which only now could allow us the perfection and achievement.
the advancing age, our own experience and the life experience of others
give us the wisdom and helps us to use best the remaining time. During
our meteoric presence, it is an ART TO KNOW HOW TO USE OUR ENERGY
world in which we live requires from is sharpness, vigilance, ability,
sexual wish and performance, high spirits, productivity, flexibility
and capacity to change your profession, a context in which depression
and nostalgia have no place.
Often we are tired and should however to bear another test, the pupil
has another exam to take, and the old people does not remember quiet
well the discussion he had a few days ago.
first steps were taken in knowing the brain secrets. THE INTELLIGENCE
is not only the prerogative of "Genetic Dowry". Memory,
attention, concentration may be improved if we perform certain mental
exercises, and live in a rich and varied milieu of information.
personal researches and clinical experience in geriatrics, allowed
me to outline a psychologic profile of the people belonging to senectude
(the old age).
The analytic study of intellectual functions show a memory decrease
for the recent data. Following the experience and the exercise, the
possibilities of synthesis can be maintained.
Attention, concentration also suffer from the impact with senectude.
In the sphere of instincts we are witnesses of different manifestations
related to sex. It is important to signal the complexity of modifications
appeared in the affective sphere, in the mind of those who cross the
last stage of their life. Personality proves to be resistant to the
elapse of years, and those no suffer important changes. There are
well known the elderly's affective liability, their hyperemotivity
and impressionability. The tendency to egocentrism, conservatism,
"characterization" of some features of personality, slowing
down of some cognitive functions, plead for the outlining of some
types of psychologic aging. The deficits of cerebral functions in
the third age become evident in the conditions of solicitations and
The old people need support and help, and if it is possible improvement
of physical abilities, especially in the moments of tension and stress.
the last few years we are witnesses to the impressive increase of
drug number to influence the power of nervous cells. Dr. Dean Ward
in a suggestive entitled book "SMART DRUGS" opens up the
field of cognition-enhancing compounds.
I will take into account only the drugs which has a scientific support,
which passed the psychologic test and which have no side effects,
or whose adverse effects are minimal. Of course, the result requires
an individual note, which depends on biochemical differences on superadded
pathology, and on the combination of given drugs.
elderly could respond to a singly drug, or to a combination of drugs,
so that the geriatrician should analyses and differentiate carefully
the physical and biological peculiarities.
distinguish the follow categories of drugs:
nootropic drugs
term is taken from Greek language and means to act on memory, thoughts,
ideas (soul). In this category there are included the products capable
to improved memory and capacity.
Many researches suggest that this products act on acetylcholine system,
playing an important role in memory mechanism and in those of transmitting
the impulse from a nervous cell to another.
With the age, the acetylcholine production lowers and the role of
nootropic substances would be that to reestablish its functional level.
most important nootropic products belong to pyrolidine derivatives:
piracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam are similar with glutamic amino-acid
from biochemical point of view. There are researches which suggest
that under the piracetam influence the number of cholinergic receptors
of nervous cell increases. In combination with choline and hydergine®,
the effect on intellectual functions is evidently better. Hydergine®
and piracetam seem to intensify their effects on the nervous system.
Piracetam although is a GABA derivative (gamma-amino- acid-butiric,
a neurotransmitter). Piracetam and the ether nootropic products are
indicated to improve memory, attention, concentration, in alcoholism
disturbances, organic brain syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, different
forms of dementia, for intellectual performances.
There are patients who, after using one of this products, state a
feeling of brain "wake up". Adverse effects; include insomnia,
agitation, headaches, gastro-intestinal disturbances.
is more affective that piracetam, its mechanism of action is not known
and it does not seem to act on neurotransmitting systems: GABA, Catecholaminic,
Serotoninic, or Acetylcholinic.
Other products belonging to the nootropic family:
which improves recent memory, attention and coordination.
product increases the dopamine level which is an essential neurotransmitter
in the motor coordination, effective life and immune functions. No
side effects have been reported after Fipexide administration, but
this does not mean that they do not exist.
Pyroglutamate is a natural amino-acid which is found in fruits, vegetables,
meat and it has an important effect on cognitive functions. In the
patients with chronic/alcoholism and advanced atherosclerosis, it
was noted and improvement of recent memory.
is used also in the form of pyroglutamate of arginine. It is known
as well under the name of Pyraglutargine, Arginine Pidolate.
Cavinton (Vinpocetine) is considered to have a role in improving cerebral
metabolism and in the use of glucose and oxygen.
is often used in the states after cerebra-vascular accidents, in aphasias,
apraxias, dizziness, vestibular disturbances, headaches. The Gedeon
Richter Company which commercializes it under the name of Cavinton,
assigns to it some positive effects in 62%, in the patients with neurologic
Other Cognitive Enhancers
is naturally found in milk. Kohjimoto stated in 1988 that using it
he obtained in laboratory a reduced quantity of lipofuscin in the
nervous cells of some old animals. It is known that this pigment is
accumulated in nervous and muscular cells with the advancing age.
I should express my doubts and I consider necessary that this researches
should be confirmed also by some other scientific workers.
Caffeine is widely/used in excess for its stimulating proprieties
on the nervous cell. Numerous psychologic tests do not reveal memory
improvement. Oborne, in 1982, notes that the alcohol combined with
caffeine induce a higher state of intoxication that the alcohol alone.
To Centrophenoxine is assigned the quality of improving the learning
performances and of reducing the quantity of lipofuscin in brain,
heart and skin. Caution: it should not be administered to person with
hypertension, increased excitability, convulsions. Side effects: insomnia,
depression, tremor, nervousness. Other names: Analux, Cerebron, Lucidril,
Mecloxate, Proseryl.
Choline and Lecithin can be found in food.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone produced in the
suprarenal gland to which is paid a special attention in the last
time. It is assigned an important role against the obesity, cancer,
generally tumors, and in aging. The level of this hormone decreases
in blood with the advancing age.
Dimethylaminoethanoel (DMAE). Many effects are assigned to it; it
induces high spirits, increases physical energy, improves memory.
Ginkgo biloba is used since old times for its vasodilating effect.
The leaves of this tree, which dates for 300 millions years, is used
in the Chinese traditional medicine.
It is recommended to those with peripheral circulatory disturbances,
depression, memory disturbances, dizziness, tinnitus aureus, headaches.
In "Clinical and Biological Research", 1989, Funfgeld presents
a significant improvement after Ginkgo administration to patients
with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Of course, there
are necessary some other confirmations.
Ginseng. It is considered as an "Adoptogen", with homeostatic
effect, against the stress, of tiredness state, it stimulates the
nervous activity, hormonal and metabolic activity, potency. It is
used by sportsmen as a good recoverer for tiredness. It slightly lower
the suprarenal glands activity, a fact which explains the positive
effect in stress states. The action is due to some substances named
"ginsenoside", similar to saponines. It will be administered
carefully to those with hypertension. In Chinese medicine, the treatment
is well individualized. It can also be used as a tonic.
Hydergine®. This product is used even from old times in the form
of ergot, in order to decrease hypertension in pregnant women. It
is one of the most well studied drugs, as everyone should be studied,
and it proved to be efficient and non-toxic.
The antihypertensive effect was analyses even from the years of '40,
but only in the moment in which it was revealed also a possible effect
in cognitive disturbances in old people, Sandoz Company analyzed it
systematically. Among, others, the following effects are assigned
to it: it increases the blood and oxygen quantity in brain by stimulating
the nervous cell metabolism; diminishes and eliminates lipofuscin
from nervous cell and protects from the harmful action of free radicals;
it improves memory, learning capacity, as well as may indicators of
intelligence, positively influences the dizziness, tinnitus aureus
and tiredness; decreases the arterial blood pressure.
was the first drug to which an efficiency was assigned in Alzheimer's
disease (Branconnier, 1983, "Psychopharmacology Bulletin"
Thomson, 1990, "New England Journal of Medicine") in dementia
and in other psychical disturbances (Hollister, 1988, "Perspective
in Psychopharmacology").
case of supra-dosing it produces: nausea, headaches, gastric disturbances.
resembles from chemical point of view to Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10
has a determining role in formation of ATP molecules, the organism
energetic source. CoQ10 is metabolized in a molecule with a high reactivity
for free radicals.
Idebenone is on the contrary an antioxidative drug and it protects
the cognitive functions of hypoxia, from the low level of oxygen in
blood, the anticholinergic substances, and the low level of serotonin
is correlated with a violent behavior.
Phenytoin is the drug which is administered in the epileptic crises.
The medical literature is abundant also by other positive effects
in phenytoin. The intelligence coefficients and the capacity of memorization
were evidently improved during the treatment with this product. Among
others, there are assigned to it the effects of retardation the aging
Often after the age of 65 we meet hypothyroidism, whose clinical symptomatology
is poor and not noisy, and may be common to the picture of arthrosis,
rheumatic polymyalgia, myopaty, chronic cardiac insufficiency. The
elderly may present a state of apatia, depression, sudden mental bewilderment,
dementia. The clinical data particular to hypothyroidism in old people
should be known, analyses, compared with those of an adult, and made
the therapeutic test for establishing the positive diagnosis. Under
the substitute treatment it is noticed a rapid improvement of general
condition, of attention, concentration and memory. This is the reason
for which the thyroxin is used carefully in the improvement of cognitive
is one of the most widely spread treatment for aging. It was exciting
for me, being collaborator of professor Ana Aslan more than 25 years,
to hear her speaking many times about her experience with Gerovital-H3®.
More than 500 medical and scientific publications referred to its
beneficial effects, especially when Procaine was developed into Gerovital-H3®.
Aslan herself was a living testimonial for her treatment. Aslan did
the treatment with the Gerovital-H3® 27 years (sometimes I personally
injected Aslan and she lived 91 years and 5 months.
Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Bucharest, Romania, where
Aslan was general director (1952 - May 1988), gradually became the
Mecca of diseased people. Scientist, physicians, businessmen, politicians,
senators from all over the world moved came to learn from her, as
well as to a undergo the treatment and listening to the testimonies
of the old people who has regained the joy of life, returned to their
favorite activities and found peace in their battles with insomnia.
traveled in more than 80 countries to visit presidents of the states,
prime ministers and universities where she presented her product and
her geriatric method of treatment. Thousands and thousands of patients
have spoken and written words that are proofs of the effectiveness
of the treatment, which had brought so much relief and hope to the
our conversations, between another questions I asked Aslan:
Among the measures of ten Commandments (Gerontoprophylaxis) you recommend
the preventive treatment with Gerovital-H3®.
In this respect, to which role do you attribute Gerovital-H3®?
is simple. Gerovital-H3® is the means by which suffering can be
relieved. It is not the flower found by the abyss of seas by the lucky
diver, Gilgamesh, the Summerian legendary who has discovered the secret
of everlasting youth, but rather hope for the hopeless. After my treatment,
the elderly enjoyed drinking from the fountain of spring water".
Professor Aslan knew that the fate and existence of her new product
and her method of geriatric treatment all depended on the scientific
community in Western World. She introduced Gerovital-H3® at the
German Congress of Therapeutics, Karlsruhe, Germany in September 1956.
This was a conscience decision, as Germany was the country in which
Einhorn discovered Novocaine in 1905. Ana spoke German and knew the
seriousness of these scientific meetings. Thousands of physicians
participated every year. She spent all of 1956 preparing for this
event and considered it a crossroad in her career and for Gerovital-H3®'s
1956, the first International Acknowledgment arrived. Dr. Kienle,
president of the German Congress, sent an official letter to the institute
of Geriatrics in Bucharest:
Dec. 11,1956
Honored Sirs,
can not resist the impulse which urges me to communicate with your
Institute. In my capacity as the scientific guide of the German Congress
of Therapy, as well as of German Exhibition of Drugs, and on behalf
of all of us from the Congress, I call to your attention the active
participation of Dr. Ana Aslan. Dr. Aslan addressed 6000 physicians
this year at the Congress of Therapy. She presented the subject, "A
New Method of Prophylaxis and Treatment of Aging by Novocaine-substance
H3-An Eutrophic and Rejuvenating Action". The audience was very
impressed by the importance of her research results and we are complimented
that she presented them here for the first time.
the German Congress of Therapeutics, taking place September 1-6 1975,
the International Congress of Therapy will be held Sept, 6-8, 1957.
We would like to invite Dr. Aslan and her co-workers to participate
in this Conference. We also request that she chair a symposium of
the results of her scientific research. We are sure that she will
communicate valuable results and add to the enrichment of therapeutics.
specially would like to thank you for facilitating her participation
in the Therapeutic Congress of this year, and I express the hope that
this contact will be susceptible to development in the future.
this level was taken to heart by Ana, as the soul needs to be comforted.
But more importantly, it was the key which opened the locked doors
and she was granted international travel.
conferences followed in which Aslan shared her research with Western
medicine. After a conference in Berna, a Swiss physician declared,
"For 50 years we have been using Novocaine daily, but only Aslan
caught a glimpse of what a use it could be".
was a triumph, but yet I had to fight. Each conference was an examination
which I had to pass with flying colors. When a question came up to
which I didn't have answer, I took note and afterwards researched
to find one. As a students and a young physician, I had no money and
was unable to study abroad. These conferences were my education and
I learned all that I could from each one".
"A new Method of Novocaine Treatment" was published in the
Therapiewoche Journal 7, 1 / 2 October pages 14-22, 1956. This was
the reference paper that initiated the series of more than 500 studies
and research in International Literature to date. This paper presented
the treatment method and results on 25 patients, between the age of
60-92, being followed since May 1951. Four patients, V.V. 91 year
old female, E.G. 70 years old female, T.J. 66 years old male and T.M.
62 years old male, were presented in detail. This paper was a review
of all the published literature up to date concerning to use of Novocaine
and mentioned all the clinical, biochemical, physiological and hematological
data used during the 5 years of treatment.
conclusion, the evidence obtained by this long term administration
of Gerovital-H3® authorized her to propose it and to ground it
as a new method of eutrophic and rejuvenating treatment.
papers were then published that confirmed the method of administration
and it was revealed as a new pharmacological aspect of therapy with
(1959) states that Aslan and Parhon were the first scientists who
mentioned the physic effects of procaine. ("Procaine influence
on the patient's physic condition was reported for the first time
in the medical literature by the Romanian authors".)
in 1958, Ana published and presented her own research on Gerovital-H3®
treatment at the most important conferences and international meetings
of gerontologists.
the 10th Conference of the IAG (International Association of Gerontology)
in Jerusalem in 1975, an entire session was devoted to Gerovital-H3®
and its research. On that occasion William Zung, Eric Pfeiffer, Daniel
Gianturco, MacFarlane, Peter Bridge, Ana Aslan, and others presented
their results. Following this, Gerovital-H3® was imposed as a
reversible anti-depressing drug without side effects. Also, its role
was proven as a treatment for some degenerative chronic diseases.
1978, Aslan presented "Longitudinal Study in the National Institute
of Gerontology and Geriatrics of Romania", at the 11th IAG Conference
in Tokyo (Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pages 533-537, 1978). The results
of the longest treatment ever (Beginning in 1951) aroused keen interest.
With this Ana received more that 400 requests to present her paper.
1997, at the International Congress of Gerontology-Adelaide, Australia,
Russu C. pointed out: "Within the normal oxidative processes
of the organism there are produced also free radicals with negative
role on the cells, specially on cellular membrane. Among the products
with anti-oxidative role it is Gerovital-H3®".
treatment may be individualized according to disease, to biological
age and/or the aging rate. According to the way the patient reacts,
the physician may shorten or prolong the rest intervals between the
courses of treatment.
a person with normal aging, the method can be used under the form
of chronic of discontinuous treatment. In states of depression, memory
disturbances (incipient forms of Alzheimer's disease), anxiety or
Parkinson's disease, in which muscle rigidity is prevalent, Gerovital-H3®
can be administered in a chronic form, too.
of Gerovital-H3® treatment
states, physical and physical/mental asthenia, anxious states, accompanied
by sleep disturbances, diminution of physical and intellectual capacity,
neuro-vegetative dystonias and gonadic deficiencies due to age, and
states of stress.
In the generalized dystrophy's (aging phenomenon) and in the localized
ones (trophy and varicose malperforant ulcers, atonic wounds, burns
and lesions by irradiations).
Skin, nails and hair dystrophy's (wrinkles, senile spots and keratosis,
alopecia, pelade, neurodermitis, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo)
Arthritis, osteoporosis, consolidation of bone fractures.
Arteriosclerosis prevention and of complications during the disease
of cardiovascular apparatus system.
Parkinson's disease, neuritis and neuralgia.
Many times I have asked myself: What is life?. I think that life is
a kind of joke of contradictions, a kind of "Yin & Yang"
philosophy and, why shouldn't Gerovital-H3® be one of the factors
that balances the complex functions of the body during the Critical
Period (40-65 years) and old age?
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